Thursday, March 3, 2011

In Progress-Run Thomas Run!!!

Latest Image I am working on as time permits. I need new images for my web site! Here's how it' s going so far! From sketch to almost done. All I still need to do is fix the background. It's a bit too plain for me now. I may put a fence, a crowd or just trees to the right and back. I'll put up those process sketches up as well later.


Will Strong said...

Thanks for showing your process. It's always fun to see how other artists do what they do.

Nice work.

WilsonW said...

Thanks Will! Still not "quite" done yet. A few more steps to go!

Mark MacKay said...

Very nice illo, the colors are great. I like the layout too! Keep up the great work!

WilsonW said...

Thanks Mark!!! ;)

Edrian said...

This is great! I feel like I'm playing spot the differences...
Can't wait to see it all finished!

WilsonW said...

Thanks Edrian! The last one is after I got some input from Aja and Norm.(I e-mailed you too, did you get it?) Made the changes they suggested. (With still a couple more to go, largely concerning the background.) Then added more shadows, finished the Indian girl in the very back, the numbers on their shirts and finish on the finish line!

I'll hack into the background next! Let me know if you have any suggestions!