Monday, December 13, 2010

How Are Things Looking For Children's Books

The Sun May Still Shine On the Children's Book Market! Check out this article from the Publisher's Weekly called, "Don't Write the Obit for Children's Books Yet." Check it out!

"Children's book publishers are still reeling from the New York Times front-page story back in October called "Picture Books No Longer a Staple for Children." Was the venerable newspaper right? Or do publishers consider the article and its alarming title the kid-lit equivalent of "Dewey Defeats Truman"?"


Wonder Man said...

I think picture books are an important piece of a child's experience

WilsonW said...

Me too Vic! I know that things are moving forward and folks are looking to more digital media for books. But there's nothing like the smell and weight of a book, or having a parent read a book to you as a child. I kinda feel the same way about comic books. Being able to put them on your phone is ok, but nothing beats being able to really hold something in your hands. You know?